choose your booking option!
Shared Bed - (2 person booking)
booking for two people who are willing to share a bed or room. This will be a private room. (Some rooms have queen beds, some have two twins).
$2300.00 per person
Individual - Shared Room
Booking for individual who is willing to share a room and house with others!
We will have many social mixers and meetups before the trip to encourage camaraderie, help find roommates/housemates, and get the group excited!
Feel free to gather a group of 3 or more and we will place you together comfortably!
$1900.00 per person
Individual - Private Room
Private Room for an individual. Sheer luxury!
$4000.00 Per Person
Discount Calendar
Early Bird - Before January 10th -$200 off
Members - $150 off (Continuous)
Return Travelers -$100 (Continuous)
Deposit is Refundable Until March 15th, 2025. Discounts calculated into total cost when invoiced.